Metroid: Other M

افزودن به علاقه مندی‌ها در حال بازی

  • تاریخ عرضه: 2010.08.30
  • امتیاز بازی مگ: 8.0/10
  • تعداد بازدید: 3919 بار
  • ریجن: Free
  • سبک: اکشن ماجراجویی

  • استودیو سازنده: Team Ninja
  • ناشر: Nintendo

Metroid: Other M

Set between the events of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, the game features unprecedented access to the backstory, thoughts and in-game interactions of the usually closed off heroine of the series, Samus Aran. Developed jointly by Nintendo and the celebrated Japanese development studio, Team Ninja, the game also features exciting play options, including the ability to switch between first-person and third-person perspectives,

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