Dawn of Discovery

افزودن به علاقه مندی‌ها در حال بازی

  • Wii
  • تاریخ عرضه: 2012.02.23
  • امتیاز بازی مگ: 8.5/10
  • تعداد بازدید: 4168 بار
  • ریجن: Free
  • سبک: استراتژیک

  • استودیو سازنده: Keen Games
  • ناشر: Ubisoft

Dawn of Discovery

Dawn of Discovery is a Wii strategy game that requires the building up of and expansion of one\'s settlements. Much like Risk, Settlers of Catan, or Age of Empires, Dawn of Discovery is a real time game, based on settling or conquering new islands. There are two modes in which you can choose to play. Story Mode, has set missions and goals for you to achieve while laying out the story for why you are doing them

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